About Us

Hong Kong Federation of Women's Centres (HKFWC), founded in 1981, is a non-partisan and non-religious women's organization. We concern about the situation of grassroots women, and promote gender equality in Hong Kong through services, education and advocacy. Through our women centres, we develop volunteer networks, provide appropriate services for women, and develop their potential. HKFWC enables women to develop their Confidence, Independence and Competence.



Our objective is to promote women's self-confidence, independence and competence by providing comprehensive women-based services, including counseling and legal assistance, community networking, volunteer development, and social participation.


Gender Education

Continuing education is an opportunity for women to improve their capabilities. We provide different education and training opportunities.



As an advocacy-based organization with substantial frontline social work experiences, we find that women are often faced with an unfair system and are at a disadvantage. To speak for women is our foundation, and to promote gender equality is our long-term goal.

Launched Jockey Club Carer Space (Sham Shui Po)

Launched Jockey Club Carer Space (Fanling)

Launched After School Care Programme for Special Educational Needs Student

Set up the Women's Running Team and be the first to join the marathon in Hong Kong

Held the HKFWC 40th Anniversary Charity Music Luncheon

Agency Rebranding

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Held International Conference on Gender | Moving Towards Gender Equality and A Sustainable Society

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Launched JCWOW Centre


Launched After School Care Programme for Pre-primary Children

Reorganized Women Enterprise and established "Timelosophy"

Reorganized Women Enterprise and established "sis works"

Created "Carer Hygge HOME" to provide a respite space for carers

Join "Carer EPS Platform" to concern the needs of carer

Expanded to Southern District and established Jockey Club Wah Fu Centre

Joined forces with many organisations to establish the "Anti-Poverty Alliance"

Established "Carer Cafe" to support the carers

Joined forces with many carer's organisations to establish the "Care for Carers"

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Expanded the services to Sheung Shui and established WISE (Women In Self Enhancement, Sheung Shui)

WISE SS Opening

Organised the first Flag Day


The Hong Kong Federation of Women's Centres Limited acquired charitable organisation exempted from tax

Held the HKFWC 35th Anniversary Charity Dinner

Expanded WISE (Women In Self Enhancement, Fanling), to provide more women-orientated services

Established Women Enterprise - Forever Green

Established Women Enterprise - Big Day: Integrated Wedding Service

Set up of the Hong Kong Federation of Women's Centres Limited

Renovated Jockey Club Lai Kok Centre to expand the service


Established WISE (Women In Self Enhancement, Fanling), to expand the services in North District

Established Women Enterprise - Florist by women

Registered Mutual Help Child Care Centre (MHCCC)

Acquired Qualification of HKCAAVQ to allow us organising more courses

Started Social Enterprise Pioneer Project to develop a new economic model

Tai Wo Centre had moved to Fook Wo House and renamed as “Jockey Club Tai Wo Centre”

Held the HKFWC 30th Anniversary Fundraising Dinner

Assisted to form The Women's Healthy Living Workers Co-operative Society

Held the HKFWC 25th Anniversary Fundraising Dinner

Organising Community Mamas’ Workshop, to promote sustainable develop in community

Launched sustainable development service

Acquired Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations

Established The Hong Kong Homemaker's Alliance (HKHA), to raise awareness in the community and advocate for the right of unpaid homemakers


Assisted to form The Women's Green Life Workers Co-operative Society

Set up the Retraining Course Alumni Assoication to unite working women

Lai Kok Centre had moved to Lai Lan House and renamed as “Jockey Club Lai Kok Centre”


Set up the Women's Eco-cleaning Team to research into althernative modes of economic participation by women

Started Peer IT Project by Women IT Ambassadors

Initiated a protest to fight for retirement protection for homemakers to awake concern in society for the rights of unpaid homemakers

Offered Various Manpower Development Scheme Courses

Launching of support services for new arrival women

Organised the first "Professional Service Award and Inaugural Ceremony" to honour volunteers and affirm their contribution to the work of HKFWC

Offered Adult Education Scheme of Women

Established Second Centre in Tai Wo Estate, Tai Po, to develop and promote services for women in the New Territories

Joined forces with many women's organisations to establish the "Hong Kong Women's Coalition on Equal Opportunities"


Setting up the "Hong Kong Women's Coalition for the Beijing 95" in collaboration with numerous other women organisations; tool part in the United Nations Fourth World Conference on women and submitted "An Alternative Report on Women in

Launched HKFWC's first-ever Charity Film Gala, and the Governor's wife Ms Larender Thornton officiated at the ceremony

Member of " Strive for Equal Rights of women Indigenous Inhabitants of the New Territories"

Set-up of the "New Territories Indigenous Women's Committee" in support of the female indigenous residents in the New Territories


Acquired Membership of The Hong Kong Council of Social Service


Independence from the Hong Kong Council of Women (HKCW) and renamed as "Hong Kong Federation of Women's Centres" (HKFWC)

Launch of the Free Legal Advice Scheme (the predecessor of the current Free Legal Advice Clinic), the first of this kind targeting women in Hong Kong


Acquired Membership of The Community Chest of Hong Kong

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Launching of the "Half of the sky: Civic Education Programme for Women"

Set up of Tsui Yin House (later renamed Tsui Yin Club)

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Launching of the Survey on the "Interests and Needs of Housewives in Sham Shui Po West"

"Laws Made Simple for Women" booklet published

Publication of the first newsletter

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Hired the first staff member for the Centre

Organised a workshop on "Cooperation among Women's Groups in Hong Kong"

Established Premises in Lai Kok Estate, Sham Shui Po


Began Volunteer Training Program

Set Up Women's Helpline, the formal begining of the women-centred services by us


Prepared for the setting up of the Women's Resources Library

International Women's Day Celebration when funds were raised through sale of raffle tickets for the Women's Centre

Set-up of the Women's Centre Steering Group by the Hong Kong Council of Women

OrgChart for Website

Advisory Board

Hon President

Ms Chan Yin-lam, Alvina


Hon Vice President

Dr Chan Lai-seng, Lydia


Hon Legal Advisor

Ms Hung Barbara Anne


Hon Consultants

Ms Wong Sau-yung, Linda

Professor Carole J. Petersen

Ms Young Dong-ling, Cecilia

Ms Fong Man-ying

Ms Puja Kapai

Ms Ng Yu-fa, Esther


IT Advisor 

Mr Pok Fook-sun

Mr Danny Wong


Executive Committee


Dr Chan Yu


Vice Chair
Ms Tsin Wai-ying, Virginia


Hon Secretary

Mr Tam Wai Pang


Hon Treasurer

Dr Wong Kam-chung, KC



Dr Cho Man-kit, Joseph


Social Career

2023-24 Community Heroes Volunteers Awards

Community Impact Excellence Awards


Employees Retraining Board

"ERB Manpower Developer Award Scheme" 2023-24

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Zonta International District 17

Women Helping Women Award


Employees Retraining Board

ERB Outstanding Award for Course Management

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Tithe Ethical Consumption Movement 2023

Social Entreprise Supporter Award

MPF Award_工作區域 1

Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority

Good MPF Employer Award 2022-23

Good MPF Employer
e-Contribution Award
MPF Support Award

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Home and Youth Affairs Bureau

Social Capital Builder Awards

Logo Award - Jockey Club Tai Wo Centre
Logo Award - WISE (Fanling)
Logo Award - WISE (Sheung Shui)

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Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority

Good MPF Employer Award 2021-22

Good MPF Employer
e-Contribution Award
MPF Support Award


Employees Retraining Board

ERB Outstanding Award for Course Development

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Employees Retraining Board

ERB Outstanding Award for Course Development

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Equal Opportunities Commission

Equal Opportunity Employer Recognition Scheme

Equal Opportunity Employer (Gender Equality)
Equal Opportunity Employer (Family Status Equality)

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Labour and Welfare Bureau

Social Capital Builder Awards

Outstanding Project Award
Building up Sustainable Mutual Support Network for New Arrival Women and Single Mothers in Sheung Shui

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Labour and Welfare Bureau

Social Capital Builder Awards

Logo Award - Jockey Club Lai Kok Centre
Logo Award - Jockey Club Tai Wo Centre
Logo Award - WISE (Fanling)
Logo Award - WISE (Sheung Shui)

New Project (11)

The 10th Hong Kong Corporate Citizenship Program Outstanding Corporate Citizenship Awards

Social Enterprise & NGO


2019 APAC Association Awards

Large Association of the Year

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Social Welfare Department

Volunteer Movement

Gold Award for Volunteer Service (Organisation)

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Labour and Welfare Bureau

Social Capital Builder Awards

Outstanding Project Award
Make A Difference: Building a Sustainable Cross-sectoral Carers' Support Network

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Labour and Welfare Bureau

Social Capital Builder Awards

Logo Award - Jockey Club Lai Kok Centre
Logo Award - Jockey Club Tai Wo Centre
Logo Award - WISE (Fanling)
Logo Award - WISE (Sheung Shui)

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Family Council

2017/18 Family-Friendly Employers Award Scheme

Awards for Breastfeeding Support 2017/18
Family-Friendly Employers 2017/18

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The 9th Hong Kong Corporate Citizenship Program

Outstanding Corporate Citizenship Awards

Social Enterprise & NGO - Bronze Award


Social Career

Technology Pioneer for Volunteer Service


Labour Department

Good Employer Charter 2018

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Social Welfare Department

Hong Kong Volunteer Award Presentation Ceremony 2018

Award of 10,000 Hours for Volunteer Service
Gold Award for Volunteer Service (Organisation)

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Women's Commission

Award Scheme in Promoting Women's Economic Empowerment

Women's groups: Outstanding Project Awards - Women Self-employment Scheme
Women's groups: Certificates of Commendation - A New Page in Life: To Develop a Sustainable Mutual Help Network for New Arrival Women and Single Mothers
Women's groups: Certificates of Commendation - Community Mamas: Sustainable Development Workshops Project

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Employees Retraining Board

ERB Outstanding Award for Course Management

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Employees Retraining Board

ERB Outstanding Award for Course Management

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Social Welfare Department

Hong Kong Volunteer Award Presentation Ceremony 2015

Highest Service Hour Award (Public Organisations) Merit Prize