HKFWC in Media

Our communication channels are very limited, so we are very thankful to our media friends for their concern of women issues. They have been voicing women’s opinions via different channels so that issues such as women policies, community construction, women-friendliness and environmental protection can draw the attention of the public. This session aims to list out all media reports related to us. If you have any questions on copyright, please contact us.

Media Inquiry: If you have any inquiries about our work, services, or issues that we concern, please feel free to contact us at 2153 3153 or email us at


調查發現9成6照顧者感壓力 (Chinese version only)

Please tefer Chinese version.

        有調查發現, 約4成6照顧者一天工作時間為12小時以上, 超過9成6照顧者因照顧而感到壓力, 有8成3照顧者因照顧而感到焦慮。

        照顧照顧者平台在上月13日至今月13日進行「照顧者身體勞損及精神健康問卷調查」,收集了530份有效問卷, 結果顯示, 有約5成2受訪照顧者表示因日常照顧而引致勞損, 其中超過7成有腰背痛症。

        平台建議設立照顧者醫療券, 參考長者醫療劵方式, 每年派發2500元醫療劵, 以支援照顧者的身心需要。