
Press Releases

Legal Seminar1.2

'Say no To Violence' Legal Seminar by HKFWC & Zonta Club of Hong Kong II

Cases of domestic violence and intimate partner violence have been prevalent for many years. Although society has maintained a zero-tolerance stance toward these issues, biases surrounding them have led many hidden victims, particularly women, to refrain from seeking help. On December 7, 2024,...

螢幕擷取畫面 2024-06-06 151811

Press Conference on the HKFWC's Women's Helpline 2024

The Hong Kong Federation of Women's Centres ("HKFWC"), founded in 1981, is a non-partisan and non-religious women's organization committed to addressing the living conditions of grassroots women and promoting gender equality while advocating for women's rights. Since May 1981, HKFWC has...


HKFWC's Response to Budget 2020-21

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Mother's Day Campaign 2019

The HKWFC, Tin Shui Wai Community Development Network, and Kwun Tong Methodist Social Service Care centre have always been addressing the predicaments of children carers. We hope to reduce the limitation brought by traditional gender stereotype, fight for their rights, and support their basic needs...

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HKFWC's Responses to Budget 2019-20

2019-20 Budget was just released this morning (27th February 2019). The HKFWC is disappointed in the lack of support for carers in the public in terms of the allocation of public finances. Besides, we deem that the childcare service still has room for improvement. More specific service is...


Submission to CEDAW Committee on the implementation of The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) in Hong Kong

IntroductionThis Submission will cover the following articles of CEDAW:Article 2: Policy measureArticle 5: Stereotypes and PrejudiceArticle 7: Social and Political ParticipationArticle 10: EducationArticle 11: EmploymentArticle 13: Social SecurityArticle 16: Marriage and...

Suggestions to Budget 2022/23

Please refer to Chinese version

Events & Programmes

WhatsApp Image 2019-11-29 at 2.12.47 PM

the 4th World Conference of Women’s Shelters

The World Conference of Women’s Shelters is the largest and most diverse global gathering on protection services and prevention of violence against women. Organized by the Global Network of Women’s Shelters and hosted by the Garden of Hope Foundation, the 4th World Conference of...

Mothers Day 2019-02

Mother's Day 2019|Rest Day of Mum

"Mums Need A Break" Mother's Day Campaign 2019|Rest Day of Mum The HKWFC, Tin Shui Wai Community Development Network, and Kwun Tong Methodist Social Service Care Centre are consistently promoting social awareness of children carers, providing suitable service for children carers, reducing their...

WhatsApp Image 2018-09-15 at 8.55.30 AM

915 Flag Day (Kowloon)

The 9.15 Flag Day concluded successfully! We would like to express our gratitude for all of the schools, non-governmental organizations, regional partners, colleagues and other volunteers involved. Thanks for all of your kind support, which sharply lifted the number of volunteers from around 200 to...

christmas action

Families Bursting with Christmas Cheer Campaign

As the consultation period for the 2017 Policy Address and coincided with the approaching Christmas holiday, the HKFWC and Tin Shui Wai Community Network organised a sing-along with a group of mothers and their children before the central government offices to call for increased measures to support...


Women's Forum 2016

The HKFWC collects feedback on government policies and appeals for change from hundreds of our members to form our platform. Policies receiving the most interest from our members include the universal non-means-tested retirement protection plan; planning childcare services, the development of...