#Cherish Food
Events & Programmes

Women Market 2019
"Women's Market" - Women outside the kitchen | Entrepreneurship Women | Handmade Food Market was held in Mei Foo on 21 September. The women's products were very popular on that day! Thank you for supporting women's entrepreneurship with action, as well as giving them motivation and confidence. We...

CNEX HK|Planting for Life
The theme of women and food has always been our key focus. We collaborated, for the first time, with CNEX to show a documentary film Planting for Life on the environment at our Jockey Club Lai Kok Centre. After the show, we had discussions with the audience from our community. The movie’s...

Food Street in Lai Lan|Pickles
We invite you to join our Food Street in Lai Lan on 11 Feb, 2018 in our Jockey Club Lai Kok Centre. DetailDate: 11 Feb 2018Time: 1300-1700Location: Jockey Club Lai Kok Centre
HKFWC in Media

牛年到|主婦創業尋回自我價值 疫下推銷手作應節健康食品尋商機 (Chinese Only)