Press Releases

Mother's Day Campaign 2019
The HKWFC, Tin Shui Wai Community Development Network, and Kwun Tong Methodist Social Service Care centre have always been addressing the predicaments of children carers. We hope to reduce the limitation brought by traditional gender stereotype, fight for their rights, and support their basic needs...

International Women's Day 2019 - Child Carers' Support
Since 2011, the HKWFC has launched different women campaigns on the International Women's Day to voice our demands and fight for gender equality to society and the government. This year, we have organized a "childcarer" event with over 100 women and children on the East Wing Forecourt of the...

HKFWC's Responses to Budget 2019-20
2019-20 Budget was just released this morning (27th February 2019). The HKFWC is disappointed in the lack of support for carers in the public in terms of the allocation of public finances. Besides, we deem that the childcare service still has room for improvement. More specific service is...
Events & Programmes

One-day VR Experience Tour
We are grateful to Goharvesthk‘s assistance. On 30 August 201, we hosted 30 youngsters to a one-day VR experience workshop jointly with Goharvesthk at the Hong Kong Baptist University. The attendees included students from Jockey Club Lai Kok Centre’s after school tutoring program and...

Mother's Day 2019|Rest Day of Mum
"Mums Need A Break" Mother's Day Campaign 2019|Rest Day of Mum The HKWFC, Tin Shui Wai Community Development Network, and Kwun Tong Methodist Social Service Care Centre are consistently promoting social awareness of children carers, providing suitable service for children carers, reducing their...

International Women's Day: Women Election Forum
Hong Kong Federation of Women's Centres, in association with Gender Reasearch Centre of The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Women's Coalition on Equal Opportunities, is going to hold a women's forum on Legislative Council by-election on 8 March, 2018 in LT2, Yasumoto International...

Families Bursting with Christmas Cheer Campaign
As the consultation period for the 2017 Policy Address and coincided with the approaching Christmas holiday, the HKFWC and Tin Shui Wai Community Network organised a sing-along with a group of mothers and their children before the central government offices to call for increased measures to support...
HKFWC in Media

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