#Domestic Violence
Press Releases
'Say no To Violence' Legal Seminar by HKFWC & Zonta Club of Hong Kong II
Cases of domestic violence and intimate partner violence have been prevalent for many years. Although society has maintained a zero-tolerance stance toward these issues, biases surrounding them have led many hidden victims, particularly women, to refrain from seeking help. On December 7, 2024,...
Press Conference on the HKFWC's Women's Helpline 2024
The Hong Kong Federation of Women's Centres ("HKFWC"), founded in 1981, is a non-partisan and non-religious women's organization committed to addressing the living conditions of grassroots women and promoting gender equality while advocating for women's rights. Since May 1981, HKFWC has...
Hong Kong Federation of Women's Centres and Zonta Club of Kowloon co-organised a Parallel Event at the NGO CSW67 Forum
The 67th Session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) was held in New York from 6 to 17 March 2023. The CSW Forum is a platform for NGOs, civil society organizations, and various individuals concerned with gender equality, women's and girls' rights, and empowerment for...
HKFWC's Response to Budget 2023-24
The Budget was released on February 22, 2023, which is also the first Budget after Hong Kong got rid of the disturbance caused by the epidemic, is an important direction for the current-term Government on how to promote Hong Kong's recovery from the trough. We welcome the Government's earmarking of...
HKFWC's Responses to Budget 2019-20
2019-20 Budget was just released this morning (27th February 2019). The HKFWC is disappointed in the lack of support for carers in the public in terms of the allocation of public finances. Besides, we deem that the childcare service still has room for improvement. More specific service is...
Women's Helpline Service and Domestic Violence Case Study
Please refer to Chinese version
Position Paper to Bills Committee on Domestic Violence (Amendment) Bill 2009
Please refer to Chinese version
Position Paper to the LegCo Panel on Welfare Services on Domestic Violence Ordinance Amendment
Please refer to Chinese version
Events & Programmes
NGO CSW67 Parallel Session|Innovative & Technology Strategies for Addressing Sexual Violence & Intimate Partner Violence in Asia
Gender-based violence against women is prevalent around the globe and in many Asian countries. Many survivors have not reported the violence they have experienced, nor have they sought assistance from family members, friends, or social service organizations because of taboos. Hong Kong Federation...
The Colour of Divorcees' Lives|Art Exhibition of Divorcees
Thank you for your participation in our exhibition called "The Color of Divorcees' Lives" on the 1st and 2nd June at the Nido Asia Art Gallery in Sheung Wan. The event included the Human Library Hong Kong hosted by Mr Pong Yat Ming and the theatre workshop led by experienced applied drama...
International Women's Day: Women Election Forum
Hong Kong Federation of Women's Centres, in association with Gender Reasearch Centre of The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Women's Coalition on Equal Opportunities, is going to hold a women's forum on Legislative Council by-election on 8 March, 2018 in LT2, Yasumoto International...
HKFWC in Media
Sex abuse and violence still at high levels
More than one in four women in Hong Kong have experienced violence inflicted by husbands or boyfriends, a survey found. Sexual violence against women also proved a serious issue, with 37 percent of survey respondents having been victims of it. The study, sponsored by Zonta Club of Kowloon and...
Study finds almost 40% of Hong Kong women have experienced sexual abuse, as NGOs urge more gov’t support
A recent study found that 37.54 per cent of the respondents said they had experienced some form of sexual violence, including discussion of sexual topics that caused discomfort and non-penetrative sexual assault, as well as unwanted sexual attention. A coalition of women's groups has urged the...
38%婦女曾遇性暴力 政府漠視10年零改善 (Chinese Only)
調查:親密伴侶施虐嚴重 婚內強姦趨增為響應今天國際婦女節,希望提高社會對婦女暴力的關注,有團體昨公布在去年發起婦女遭受暴力經驗研究的數據分析,同一項研究曾於2013年進行並完成發布,對比當年的結果,發現...
Sexual violence a serious issue in Hong Kong
Researchers say sexual violence against women remains a serious issue in Hong Kong, with their latest survey finding that 37 percent of respondents had experienced such abuse. Lingnan University's department of sociology and social policy polled 1,044 women and girls aged between 15 and 64 last...
38%受訪女性 曾受性暴力 部分人憂事件鬧大寧啞忍 (Chinese Only)
調查:近四成女性曾遇性暴力 四成沒求助 (Chinese Only)
37%受訪女性曾遭遇性暴力 僅5成尋求協助 (Chinese Only)
婦女節|調查指近四成婦女曾遭性暴力 逾六成親密施虐者為前任 (Chinese Only)
【女性權益】研究發現逾2成半女性曾遭受親密伴侶暴力 近1成受害者曾尋求心理或精神科醫生協助 (Chinese Only)
研究:三成八女性曾遭性暴力 兩成六遇親密伴侶暴力 (Chinese Only)
性暴力|37%受訪女性曾遇性暴力 組織倡設緊急救助基金 (Chinese Only)
調查指37%受訪女性曾遭遇性暴力 僅51%受害者尋求協助 (Chinese Only)
研究:近四成女性曾遭性暴力、三成曾遇伴侶暴力 團體促政府為事主提供經濟房屋援助 (Chinese Only)
調查指37%受訪女性曾遭遇性暴力 僅51%受害者尋求協助 (Chinese Only)
高嘉瑜被男友毆打山西女子因家暴殺夫 一文睇清兩岸三地家暴規範 (Chinese Only)
Twitter發起#女力覺醒線上對談, 攜手港台三家NGO共慶2021國際婦女節 與港台三家婦女權益促進非政府組織,共同提倡女性賦權和性別平等 (Chinese Only)
【2021 年 3 月 8 日,台北訊】近年來,推動性別平等、女性賦權成為備受社會各界關注的主流議題。為慶祝 2021 年國際婦女節(#IWD2021),進一步促進婦女權益話題的討論,全球公共對話服務平臺 Twitter 於今日攜手香港與台灣三...
Twitter發起#女力覺醒線上對談, 攜手港台三家NGO共慶2021國際婦女節 (Chinese Only)
【2021 年 3 月 8 日,台北訊】近年來,推動性別平等、女性賦權成為備受社會各界關注的主流議題。為慶祝 2021 年國際婦女節(#IWD2021),進一步促進婦女權益話題的討論,全球公共對話服務平臺 Twitter 於今日攜手香港與台灣三...
Twitter發起#女力覺醒線上對談, 攜手港台三家NGO共慶2021國際婦女節 (Chinese Only)
【2021 年 3 月 8 日,台北訊】近年來,推動性別平等、女性賦權成為備受社會各界關注的主流議題。為慶祝 2021 年國際婦女節(#IWD2021),進一步促進婦女權益話題的討論,全球公共對話服務平臺 Twitter 於今日攜手香港與台灣三...
【家暴】受虐想分居竟要「鬥慘」 為何總要出事才事後彌補?(Chinese Only)
乍看社署及警方提供有關家暴案件的數字,家暴問題似乎並不嚴重。不少人會說香港是女權當道的城市,比起日本和韓國,女性在社會的地位相對較高,成為家暴受害者的機率自然相對低。然而,數字能反映到現實嗎? ...
【家暴】經濟低迷致暴力加劇 挺身報警,就能擺脫「魔爪」? (Chinese Only)