【HKFWC40】Growth with HKFWC - Geraldine Young
Geraldine, a member of HKFWC Executive Committee since 1992, is now the second longest serving member on the Committee. Geraldine regards her involvement in HKFWC is not just volunteering in nature, but also a continuing learning experience. Over her years of participation in HKFWC, Geraldine has...
【HKFWC40】Reclaiming life after joining the HKWFC - Vikki Yuen
When it comes to a "veteran" of the HKFWC, one must think of Vikki Yuen (affectionately known as "Chief Secretary"), Vikki joined HKFWC in 2001 as Administrative Secretary. After serving HKFWC for over 21 years, Vikki is now the Senior Finance Administrator of the organization. Being a long-time...
【HKFWC40】From Service User to Peer Counsellor and Advocate… - Portia Wong
Portia has been a volunteer with the Hong Kong Federation of Women's Centres (HKFWC) for over 25 years and has grown with it. From helpline counsellor to advocacy group, Portia enjoys helping others. With this selfless spirit, who would have thought that she was once a service recipient? From a...
【HKFWC40】Creating the Vast Maps of Life - Ann Yuen
After learning about the opening of the Tai Wo Centre from a flyer, Ann joined the Hong Kong Federation of HKFWCs in 1998 as a volunteer. She has now been contributing to the community for over 25 years and last year she was awarded the Long Service Award by HKFWC. She hopes to stay healthy this...
【HKFWC40】From organizer to staff, more than 30 years of growth - Ada Leung
If one searches "Tsui Yin Club" on the internet, one will find several social organizations with this name. But it turns out that a Tsui Yin Club once existed within HKFWC for a long time. This is one of the least known aspects of our history, and the only records we have are just photographs....
Events & Programmes

HKFWC 40th Anniversary Charity Music Luncheon
Due to the pandemic, our 40th Anniversary Charity Music Luncheon in 2021 was postponed to 19th November 2022, where we shared the highlights of the past 40 years with over 110 guests,and raise fund to support the childcare and afterschool care services. Five outdoor booths were set up for guests...

International Conference on Gender | A New Normal: Gender in Public Health
The COVID-19 pandemic has turned everyone's life upside down. While everyone is coping with stress, women's family roles and responsibilities as caregivers contribute to their anxiety levels and make their lives even harder. Their worries range from health to economic concerns. A moderator from the...

International Conference on Gender | Economic Empowerment with a Gender Perspective
Parallel Session - Economic Empowerment with Gender PerspectiveThis parallel session is moderated by Ms. Ng Tze Wei, Member of Service Development Subcommittee of Hong Kong Federation of Women’s Centres. A lawyer by profession, Ms. Ng is concerned with inclusion, equality and poverty...

International Conference on Gender | Moving Towards Gender Equality and A Sustainable Society
International Conference on Gender - Conference BookletThe conference will cover multiple areas. Through keynote speeches, parallel panels, learning groups and experiential workshops, we will illustrate the development of women's services in a diversified manner. Each event will discuss different...
HKFWC in Media

有一種堅持叫性別公義|馬拉松一般的照顧生涯 (Chinese Only)

有一種堅持叫性別公義|困境中的女性照顧者:沉重的負擔 (Chinese Only)