#International Women's Day
Press Releases
International Women's Day 2024|Release of survey findings on "Women's Quality of Life and Public's Attitude toward Gender Equality in Hong Kong"
In commemoration of International Women's Day, an online survey focusing on women's quality of life and public attitudes toward gender equality in Hong Kong was conducted by Professor Celia Hoi Yan Chan and her team from the University of Hong Kong's Department of Social Work and Social...
International Women's Day 2023|30th Anniversary of Free Legal Advice Clinic cum Roundtable
We have always been concerned about the living conditions of grassroots women and are committed to promoting gender equality and fighting for women's rights. Since 1992, we have launched the "Free Legal Advice Clinic", the first service in Hong Kong specifically targeted women in marital issues and...
WCOEO|Survey on Women's Experiences of Violence in Hong Kong 2021 Press Conference
Hong Kong Women's Coalition on Equal Opportunities, Zonta Club of Kowloon, Department of Sociology and Social Policy of Lingnan University (the initiating organizations) launched a study on women's experiences of violence last year, with a quantitative and qualitative study conducted by Professor...
Events & Programmes
International Women's Day 2024|Economic Equality: Promoting Financial Inclusion for Women Panel Disucssion
-----We are honored to have been invited as one of the panelists for the IWD panel discussion on Economic Equality: Promoting Financial Inclusion for Women, hosted by Community Business in alignment with their 2024 International Women's Day Theme: Inspire Inclusion. Our Director, Si-si Liu, will...
International Women's Day 2024|Child Carer Magic Day@Disneyland
Get ready for a trip to Disneyland!In celebration of International Women's Day, we have partnered with Hong Kong Disneyland to invite 60 childcarers and their friends to enjoy a day at the park. This is our way of expressing gratitude for their hard work in taking care of children. We will...
International Women's Day 2024|LOVE You more!
Tomorrow is International Women's Day. A group of childcarers came together and arranged a bouquet of flowers to give to themselves, reminding them to love themselves a little more. Unpaid care work tirelessly throughout the year, often without having any time or space to care for themselves....
International Women's Day 2024|Press Conference on Release of survey findings on "Survey on Women's Quality of Life and Public's Attitude toward Gender Equality in Hong Kong"
In commemoration of the International Women's Day, an online survey on Women's Quality of Life and Public's Attitude toward Gender Equality in Hong Kong was conducted by Department of Social Work and Social Administration of the University of Hong Kong (HKU) and Hong Kong Federation of Women's...
International Women's Day 2024|Let's Give Mum a Day Off@Hyatt
To show our support for International Women's Day, we cooperated with four Hyatt hotels to give mothers a special day off and pamper them with a day of relaxation and connection. A one-hour rejuvenating yoga session, led by certified yoga instructor Valerie Lui from Eve Bliss, was hosted at...
International Women's Day 2023|30th Anniversary of Free Legal Advice Clinic cum Roundtable
Please refer to Chinese version
HKFWC in Media
婦女節|非牟利機構女領袖齊為女生打氣 分享疫下如何調節心態 (Chinese Only)
Sex abuse and violence still at high levels
More than one in four women in Hong Kong have experienced violence inflicted by husbands or boyfriends, a survey found. Sexual violence against women also proved a serious issue, with 37 percent of survey respondents having been victims of it. The study, sponsored by Zonta Club of Kowloon and...
Study finds almost 40% of Hong Kong women have experienced sexual abuse, as NGOs urge more gov’t support
A recent study found that 37.54 per cent of the respondents said they had experienced some form of sexual violence, including discussion of sexual topics that caused discomfort and non-penetrative sexual assault, as well as unwanted sexual attention. A coalition of women's groups has urged the...
38%婦女曾遇性暴力 政府漠視10年零改善 (Chinese Only)
調查:親密伴侶施虐嚴重 婚內強姦趨增為響應今天國際婦女節,希望提高社會對婦女暴力的關注,有團體昨公布在去年發起婦女遭受暴力經驗研究的數據分析,同一項研究曾於2013年進行並完成發布,對比當年的結果,發現...
Sexual violence a serious issue in Hong Kong
Researchers say sexual violence against women remains a serious issue in Hong Kong, with their latest survey finding that 37 percent of respondents had experienced such abuse. Lingnan University's department of sociology and social policy polled 1,044 women and girls aged between 15 and 64 last...
38%受訪女性 曾受性暴力 部分人憂事件鬧大寧啞忍 (Chinese Only)
調查:近四成女性曾遇性暴力 四成沒求助 (Chinese Only)
37%受訪女性曾遭遇性暴力 僅5成尋求協助 (Chinese Only)
婦女節|調查指近四成婦女曾遭性暴力 逾六成親密施虐者為前任 (Chinese Only)
【女性權益】研究發現逾2成半女性曾遭受親密伴侶暴力 近1成受害者曾尋求心理或精神科醫生協助 (Chinese Only)
研究:三成八女性曾遭性暴力 兩成六遇親密伴侶暴力 (Chinese Only)
性暴力|37%受訪女性曾遇性暴力 組織倡設緊急救助基金 (Chinese Only)
調查指37%受訪女性曾遭遇性暴力 僅51%受害者尋求協助 (Chinese Only)
研究:近四成女性曾遭性暴力、三成曾遇伴侶暴力 團體促政府為事主提供經濟房屋援助 (Chinese Only)
調查指37%受訪女性曾遭遇性暴力 僅51%受害者尋求協助 (Chinese Only)
Twitter發起#女力覺醒線上對談, 攜手港台三家NGO共慶2021國際婦女節 與港台三家婦女權益促進非政府組織,共同提倡女性賦權和性別平等 (Chinese Only)
【2021 年 3 月 8 日,台北訊】近年來,推動性別平等、女性賦權成為備受社會各界關注的主流議題。為慶祝 2021 年國際婦女節(#IWD2021),進一步促進婦女權益話題的討論,全球公共對話服務平臺 Twitter 於今日攜手香港與台灣三...
Twitter發起#女力覺醒線上對談, 攜手港台三家NGO共慶2021國際婦女節 (Chinese Only)
【2021 年 3 月 8 日,台北訊】近年來,推動性別平等、女性賦權成為備受社會各界關注的主流議題。為慶祝 2021 年國際婦女節(#IWD2021),進一步促進婦女權益話題的討論,全球公共對話服務平臺 Twitter 於今日攜手香港與台灣三...
Twitter發起#女力覺醒線上對談, 攜手港台三家NGO共慶2021國際婦女節 (Chinese Only)
【2021 年 3 月 8 日,台北訊】近年來,推動性別平等、女性賦權成為備受社會各界關注的主流議題。為慶祝 2021 年國際婦女節(#IWD2021),進一步促進婦女權益話題的討論,全球公共對話服務平臺 Twitter 於今日攜手香港與台灣三...