#Women's Right

Press Releases

螢幕擷取畫面 2024-06-06 151811

Press Conference on the HKFWC's Women's Helpline 2024

The Hong Kong Federation of Women's Centres ("HKFWC"), founded in 1981, is a non-partisan and non-religious women's organization committed to addressing the living conditions of grassroots women and promoting gender equality while advocating for women's rights. Since May 1981, HKFWC has...


HKFWC's Response to Budget 2020-21

Please refer to Chinese version

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The Colour of Divorcees' Lives|Art Exhibition of Divorcees

The HKFWC has been promoting attention to women’s plight in our society and demanding the government to offer pertinent services. To let the public know more about the stories behind divorced women, the HKFWC has launched an art exhibition called “The Color of Divorcees' Lives" on the...

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Mother's Day Campaign 2019

The HKWFC, Tin Shui Wai Community Development Network, and Kwun Tong Methodist Social Service Care centre have always been addressing the predicaments of children carers. We hope to reduce the limitation brought by traditional gender stereotype, fight for their rights, and support their basic needs...

Events & Programmes


Say no To Violence

Please refer to Chinese version


International Women's Day 2020|Women's Voice under Epidemic

Since 2011, the Hong Kong Federation of Women's Centres has organized women's events on International Women's Day every year, thereby expressing women's aspirations to society and the government, as well as fighting for gender justice. This year, we are suffering from the epidemic. As a family...


Beijing+25 Regional Review CSO Forum

The 25-year anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (BPFA) will be celebrated in 2020. It provides an opportunity for feminists across the globe to review state action and compliance in the implementation of the BPFA. It also provides an opportunity for governments and NGOs...

WhatsApp Image 2019-11-29 at 2.12.47 PM

the 4th World Conference of Women’s Shelters

The World Conference of Women’s Shelters is the largest and most diverse global gathering on protection services and prevention of violence against women. Organized by the Global Network of Women’s Shelters and hosted by the Garden of Hope Foundation, the 4th World Conference of...

Screenshot 2018-10-12 at 10.29.07 AM

"Be Your Own Hero" Charity Bazaar

Please refer to Chinese version

WhatsApp Image 2018-09-15 at 8.55.30 AM

915 Flag Day (Kowloon)

The 9.15 Flag Day concluded successfully! We would like to express our gratitude for all of the schools, non-governmental organizations, regional partners, colleagues and other volunteers involved. Thanks for all of your kind support, which sharply lifted the number of volunteers from around 200 to...


Women's Forum 2016

The HKFWC collects feedback on government policies and appeals for change from hundreds of our members to form our platform. Policies receiving the most interest from our members include the universal non-means-tested retirement protection plan; planning childcare services, the development of...

HKFWC in Media


中港離婚率疫下跌約三分一 在港出軌及受虐離異數字升 (Chinese Only)



照顧者睡眠質素欠佳 婦女中心協會倡政府提供晚間上門照顧服務(Chinese Only)



婦女就業 (Chinese Only)

根據政府2021年的統計數字,女性勞動人口由2010的48.2%升至2020的49.6%,而男性則在過去十年由68.5%下降至 66.2%。目前己婚婦女就業最大的困難就是平衡工作與照顧家庭,現時社會福利署透過為營辦課餘託管服務的部分機構提供...

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社福團體指滅貧欠KPI 促放寬照顧者津貼申領資格 (Chinese Only)
