HKFWC in Media

Our communication channels are very limited, so we are very thankful to our media friends for their concern of women issues. They have been voicing women’s opinions via different channels so that issues such as women policies, community construction, women-friendliness and environmental protection can draw the attention of the public. This session aims to list out all media reports related to us. If you have any questions on copyright, please contact us.

Media Inquiry: If you have any inquiries about our work, services, or issues that we concern, please feel free to contact us at 2153 3153 or email us at


Alton@MIRROR 33歲生日 後援會辦慈善義賣活動籌款 (Chinese Only)

今天(21日)是MIRROR成員王智德(Alton)的33歲生日,因MIRROR紅館演唱會墜屏意外而正在休息的他,只簡單在社交平台上載藍天白雲的照片,留言「藍天白雲總會在☁️ #????」。Alton的後援會受事故影響,今年未有舉辦大型生日應援活動,但由9月開始就舉行不同的「Alton生日分享快樂打氣行動2022」,除了將粉絲自行繪畫或直接下載並寫有個人心意及生日祝福的「小猩猩」製作成「小猩猩」吊飾送給Alton外,又舉辦了《膳心中秋關愛長者慈善活動》,協助機購派發物資給區內的弱勢社群及長者;以及《淨山大行動》,到將軍澳的小夏威夷徑執垃圾,身體力行宣揚「山野不留痕」的信息。


後援會今日起更舉行《生日義賣活動》,義賣「Alton Day Charity Set」、「Alton Day倒數月曆禮盒」、「Birthday Ging造型衣服」、「Alton Day外置充電器」及「小勁模型公仔盲盒」。後援會表示︰「Alton Day Charity Set由新生精神康復會、基督教懷智服務處及香港婦女中心協會製作,所有收益將不扣除成本全數撥捐製作機構;而Alton Day倒數月曆禮盒、Birthday Ging造型衣服、Alton Day外置充電器及小勁模型公仔盲盒由本會製作,收益扣除成本後將全數撥捐服務機構。」

