康業服務有限公司(康業)一向都積極幫社區建立社會資本回饋社會,佢哋仲喺上年透過支持香港婦女中心協會推行嘅「新伙友伴姊妹『途』」計劃,支援新來港同單親婦女建立社區互助網,佢哋出色嘅表現,令佢哋獲得「社會資本動力獎」嘉許計劃頒發「社會資本卓越夥伴獎獲獎單位(企業 / 機構)」,仲成為唯一公司連續這兩屆獲獎。計劃裏面,康業除咗擔任諮詢委員會成員之外,仲發揮所長,安排旗下工程師教導婦女維修知識同技術,提升婦女技能自力更生,一齊建設更加美好和諧嘅社會。
Our communication channels are very limited, so we are very thankful to our media friends for their concern of women issues. They have been voicing women’s opinions via different channels so that issues such as women policies, community construction, women-friendliness and environmental protection can draw the attention of the public. This session aims to list out all media reports related to us. If you have any questions on copyright, please contact us.
Media Inquiry: If you have any inquiries about our work, services, or issues that we concern, please feel free to contact us at 2153 3153 or email us at media@womencentre.org.hk