恒生銀行(00011)慶祝成立90周年,日前於銀行總行舉行大型慶祝酒會,回收循環再造各界獲贈的花籃,將賓客的心意傳遞至社區。 恒生銀行執行董事兼行政總裁施穎茵在慶祝酒會舉行後,參與「Ever Growing」花藝工作坊,在花藝師指導下將鮮花升級再造,重新包裝成小花束。適逢3.8婦女節前夕,恒生義工隊分別走訪香港婦女中心協會(慧思薈─上水)及東華三院方樹泉長者地區中心,探望基層家庭婦女及長者,並送上小花束、小盆栽、心意卡及食品。(LF)
Our communication channels are very limited, so we are very thankful to our media friends for their concern of women issues. They have been voicing women’s opinions via different channels so that issues such as women policies, community construction, women-friendliness and environmental protection can draw the attention of the public. This session aims to list out all media reports related to us. If you have any questions on copyright, please contact us.
Media Inquiry: If you have any inquiries about our work, services, or issues that we concern, please feel free to contact us at 2153 3153 or email us at media@womencentre.org.hk