Press Releases

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The Colour of Divorcees' Lives|Art Exhibition of Divorcees

The HKFWC has been promoting attention to women’s plight in our society and demanding the government to offer pertinent services. To let the public know more about the stories behind divorced women, the HKFWC has launched an art exhibition called “The Color of Divorcees' Lives" on the...

Events & Programmes


Art Exhibition on Women & Pandemic

2020 is not an easy year for everyone. The outbreak of the pandemic took everyone by surprise, causing much worry and fear of getting infected inadvertently. Mothers worry about the health of their children, carers worry about whether their family members have enough protective materials, and...

JCWOW 3_工作區域 1

【JOWOW】Shining Life

Please refer to Chinese version

JCWOW 4_工作區域 1

【JOWOW】Rainbow Drawing

Please refer to Chinese version

JCWOW 2_工作區域 1

【JCWOW】Being a Better Woman

Please refer to Chinese version

HKFWC in Media


婦女節|疫情讓你身心俱疲?「賽馬會思妍婦女精神健康計劃」疫下支援婦女精神健康 (Chinese Only)
