平等機會婦女聯席代表、婦女中心協會總幹事廖珮珊表示,由於受害人難以啟齒、害怕他人怪責,或不想重提事件而再次受傷害等,只有逾4成人會求助,當中僅一成多會向專業人士尋求協助。她認為, 性暴力及親密伴侶暴力問題仍然嚴重,社會需積極關注隱性暴力,建議檢視現行前線人員就性暴力及親密關係暴力的指引及個案分類系統,加強執法人員、法律專業及社會服務人員對有關方面的培訓,讓受害者能獲得更快及合適的支援,又建議設立一站式支援,處理受害者的醫療、司法及社會服務需要。
Our communication channels are very limited, so we are very thankful to our media friends for their concern of women issues. They have been voicing women’s opinions via different channels so that issues such as women policies, community construction, women-friendliness and environmental protection can draw the attention of the public. This session aims to list out all media reports related to us. If you have any questions on copyright, please contact us.
Media Inquiry: If you have any inquiries about our work, services, or issues that we concern, please feel free to contact us at 2153 3153 or email us at media@womencentre.org.hk